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Nice game, very detailed mechanically. The idea is very cool and if you had more time with it i can see how you could create incredible visuals with it. It's your game but maybe you should limit what happens to the player and instead increase what the player can do. also the intro text is barely legible. 8.5/10

Thank you for playing and for the constructive criticism! The dark lens and colored lens were supposed to have more utility to them, but I couldn't figure it out in time. I'll be updating this game eventually and I'll ping a notice to this post :D yeah, sorry about the tutorial 😅


I quite liked your game, I find the concept to be very creative; it's unlike anything I've played before! The fact that some colours heal while others hurt the player is a nice touch.

However, I found that, when in shaded grounds, the player can still receive damage from the underlying original colour. I don't know if this is intended, but creating a "safe zone" in shadows could create interesting puzzles!


The colored shadows on the floor are a bit hard to figure out, I wanted it to be part of the challenge but it might be too much of a challenge, I'll revisit that mechanic. The "safe zone" idea was going to be part of the dark lens functions, I plan to implement something like that though. Thank you for playing!